Saturday, August 3, 2024

Every Ending is the Start of Something New

 Hello there!  

The start of the school year has always been like the start of a new year for me.  Almost more important than the start of the calendar year.  And as much as I look forward to school (and yes, fall), I know it does my soul good to soak in each season with as much love as I can muster up.  So, what makes summer special to me?  Time with family and friends along with the awesome things God has given us to mark this season.  Like rainbows (they have been so abundant on the farm this summer), lush green leaves, flowers, a bountiful garden (not mine this year but that’s okay) and firefly nights.  My poem this month celebrates summer and may help you hang on it the final days of the season.  It’s titled “Firefly Kisses”.  I’d love for you to have a read, just click on the poems tab above.

As I mentioned it’s hard for me to contain my excitement for the new school year.  My children go to great schools and I have a little “Farmhouse Schoolhouse” currently called Miss Britt’s Place where I teach preschool and PreK to a handful of sweet children.  I’m looking forward to watching them grow this year and enjoying the innocent things they say and do.  For example on the funny things they say I’m sharing with you some memorable quotes from last year, all in the spirit of love.  I hope these bring a smile to your face:

-“I’m a people now.”

-1st kid: “What’d you eat for lunch?”

-2nd kid: “Chicken”

-1st kid: “What type? Like chicken nuggets?”

-2nd kid: “No, pork leg.”

-1st kid: “Don’t tear down my tower.”

-2nd kid: “Yeah, he’s a tear-er” (sounded like terror)

-“I sneak into my mom’s room at night and take eye lashes.” (Referring to mascara.)

-“Sanitizer is coming to town!” 🎶

-(reportedly) “I wrote my name in spit!”

-1st kid: “I’m driving!”

-2nd kid: “Yeah, you’re driving me crazy.”

-(Tasked with saying something nice to someone.) 1st kid: “You’re cute.”

-2nd kid: “I’m not cute! My mom says I’m handsome.”

-1st kid: “Can a bird and a cat get married?”

-2nd kid: “ No!” (Laughing and then paused) “Who would drive the car?”

-“Our family is going to save up enough money to buy an RV. Then

we are going to buy Florida.”

-1st kid: (Drawing a face.)

-2nd kid: “What are those?’

-1st kid: “Those are booger holes.” (Referring to nostrils)

Oh wow!  Guys, write these moments down!  You won’t regret it!  

I have one more thing to share with you about the upcoming school year.  I’ve opened up an Etsy shop called Becoming Chic Designs.  My very first offering is a First Day of School penned flag for printing at home (or your favorite print shop).  I’d love for you to check out the Shop tab above to see the flag options or the Freebie tab to see how you can win the file for free!  Those first day of school photos are treasured in my home.  If you think summer is ending too soon or you’re excited about school starting up, there’s something for both those sentiments here.  

Until next time! Blessings to you and yours,


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