Monday, September 2, 2024

Michiana Hygge in the Fall and Winter

 Yes, I believe that hygge (pronounce hoo-gah) could be the Danish antidote to our frigid, lake effect prone, Michiana winters. But I also believe we can use the pleasantries of the “principles” of hygge to better enjoy the autumnal season. Hygge has become popular worldwide and for good reason. Put simply hygge means “cozy”. Hygge is setting up your surroundings into an atmosphere that you and others actually what to hang out in. It’s a big smack in the “winter blues” face and it can bring better quality of life in the fall season as well.

Things considered classically hygge are as follows: 

• The warm glow of candles

• Huggable throw blankets

• Simplistic decor

• Time with a good book

• Delicious food in moderation

• Get togethers, lively or intimate 

• Meaningful conversation

As a hygge participate, I have seen tremendous benefits of the practice over the last few years. And I can encourage you to cross over to the “light side”. A few autumns ago, I started lighting a candle or two every evening. Something as simple as enjoying the flickering glow of a favorite candle while I tidied up the house for the night completely changed my mindset. Not to mention, I found I had more energy to complete my night time routine instead of leaving my chores undone. The lit candles paired with the physical activity and time of day acted like a timer. As the sky outside grew steadily dim the candles increased in brightness. By the time my chores were done there was a cozy glow reflecting inside my house. My end of the day chores were completed and my mind and body could rest. I plan on continuing my “hygge-ing” throughout fall and through the winter months. My hope is that you will enjoy similar benefits by incorporating one of the things above into your daily routine.

Years ago I landed on the “Diane in Denmark” YouTube page and I’ve really enjoyed all that I have learned from her.  You see, Diane is a self proclaimed hygge expert and she’s helped thousands of people embrace this traditionally Danish ideal.  I even listed her on my July Freebie, “My Top 7 Inspirations” chart.  That chart is still in the freebies section of this blog and has cyber links to her channel and my other “inspirations”.  And this month’s freebie du jour has a nod to that hygge influence.  One of the items in my  Fall Bucket List is to “create that hygge atmosphere”.  Why not put it on your check list for the season?  You will get a chance to win a free download of my Fall Bucket List or my Fall Scavenger Hunt this month.  If you don’t happen  to win, both printables are available in my Etsy shop, Becoming Chic Designs.  See the shop tab to get redirected to my Etsy store or click here.  I truly hope my designs can help you and others embrace the season with open (sweater covered) arms.

To impress on you even more, the Danes just really know how to get along in winter. It makes sense if you think about them enduring a winter that lasts from October through April with an average of only seven hours of sunlight a day. So, their fall is cut short (we can relate some years).  I’d say the old adage of “out of necessity comes invention” rings true. So, this may come to no surprise that the Danes also have another weapon to battle long winters that we can borrow. It’s found in their saying, “There’s no such thing as bad weather only inadequate clothing”. Boy, is that convicting! With a little planning, you could be having your best Michiana fall and winter yet.

To help plan, ask yourself these questions:

• How will you prepare for fall and winter weather this year?

• Are you going to find time to spend outdoors?

• What benefits would outdoor time give you?

• What gear or set up would make your time outside more enjoyable? 

• Is there someone you can do your fall and winter activities with?

• Where will you go and what will you do?

Adding a mixture of hygge and the danish saying above would make a killer combo to kick “winter blues” good-bye, help lesson its affect and possible prevent them. The take away would be to get out and do and have your hygee oasis waiting for you on your return. Essentially, get your bodies moving, shift your mindset and make your home an abode. How will you hygge this fall and winter?

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Michiana Hygge in the Fall and Winter

  Yes, I believe that hygge (pronounce hoo-gah) could be the Danish antidote to our frigid, lake effect prone, Michiana winters. But I also ...